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2018-08: Vocal competition dates announced for 2020

Published on August 30, 2018 -

Registration is now open for the Ethel J. Armeling Vocal Scholarship Competition. For the past six years, the Steiner Chorale has provided an opportunity to aspiring young people by sponsoring an annual Vocal Scholarship Competition. This event draws high school-aged students from music programs from all school districts across the state of Michigan and both recognizes and financially rewards the most talented among them.  Students are required to sing three selections: one American Art song, one in a foreign language and another piece of their choosing.  The vocal competition is for junior and senior high school students and are critiqued by reputable judges with distinguished careers in the vocal arts.  The top ten students are selected after the Preliminary Auditions and are asked to return to compete during the Finalist Gala Recital.

The registration fee is $40 and prizes will be awarded to the top three students in the competition at the Finals event on March 17th on the campus at Michigan State University.

Register your student for the competition at

Preliminary Auditions: March 2, 2019, 9am to 3pm – Molly Grove Chapel, First Presbyterian Church, Lansing, MI

Finalist Gala Recital: March 17, 2019, 6pm – Cook Recital Hall, MSU campus

For more information on how to audition for the Steiner Chorale, go to

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